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Learning Tips @ SNC
General Tips
- Take up first the subject you consider most difficult; once you have done this, the rest will be easy
- Do not hesitate to ask your teacher or your companions things you do not grasp clearly. Never leave difficulties unanswered as this will put you into greater difficulties later.
- To make sure that you have understood something thoroughly, use these tricks:
- Pretend that you are explaining the lesson to another, see if you can do it well.
- Make yourself your own teacher and question yourself and answer honestly.
- Do not continue working when you are tired; walk round the garden, or talk to a friend or have some other pleasant interruption, but only enough to refresh you. Finish your lessons and do not waste time.
- Get enough exercise every day; it keeps the body and mind fresh.
- Do not cut down necessary sleep in order to study. It will harm you later on.
- Lastly, pray often to the all-wise and all-knowing god to help you to make progress in your studies.
Specific Tips
- Never omit the lesson or homework assigned; for it is like missing a train that you can never catch afterwards.
- Always revise the work done in class and make sure that you have understood everything clearly and thoroughly.
- If memory work is assigned, learn it overnight and repeat it in the morning.
- Always take down in your diary the work that is assigned for the next day.
- All homework should be done neatly and the day’s work always dated.Each new piece of homework should be done on a fresh page.
- As you grow up, make a daily timetable for your self-study (the different subjects in order of difficulty, the most difficult one being first), rest, recreation etc. in this way you will learn to be a person of regular habits, the most valuable asset in later life.
- Revise at the end of the week all that was learnt during the week.