Mandatory Public Disclosure | Email: | Phones: 9450215564, 9450536893, 7785820021
Fees Rules and Regulations
- Fee to be paid on or before 10th of the month. Parents who are irregular in paying fee are liable to a fine of Rs.50/- per installment.
- Fee can be deposited on every working day from the 1st of the month to the 10th day of the month without late fee, from Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 12.00 noon.
- No student will be allowed to sit for the First term or the II Term examination unless all School bills have been cleared.
- No concession is allowed when more than one child from a family is studying in the school.
- Fee will have to be paid as long as the pupil’s name is on the rolls.
- Certificates will be withheld from pupils who have arrears of fee. Fee for the vacation months are realised in advance.
- Once the admission and annual fee have been paid that will not be refunded even if the pupils is withdrawn.
- Parents and guardian will kindly save the receipt issued to them and produce them in proof of payment of fee, if needed.
- If the fee is not paid for two months, the pupil’s name will automatically be struck off the roll and readmission fee of Rs.200/- will be charged along with the fee not paid by the student.